The Inti Practices

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The best way to know the Inti Practices is by practicing them.

We've always known or intuited that we are not just individuals, that we’re part of something larger. But all our efforts to experience that have been intermediated by words and thinking, which have a tendency to label things and separate us from ourselves and each other. As a result, our approaches have been solitary, static and mental. The Inti Practices give us a new view:

The Inti Practices are a set of movement-based channeled Body Prayers that support us in directly knowing ourselves through our bodies as One Planetary Human Body.

It is a practice of unity that is vivid, collective, imagination-enlivening, poetic, participatory and embodied.

Why is this important?

Nowadays we have a powerful individual and collective challenge. We have forgotten that we live in a world of spirit. Hence, we also don’t remember ourselves as the spirit of humanity embodied through all its physically tangible and visible bodies.

A life without spirit is an empty life, one of separation.

In separation we are weak.

We are aimless as a race, we fight one another, we have destructive tendencies, and we are most of all oblivious to the miracle of life. We miss seeing the sacredness of life and we indulge endlessly in fearing and hating one another. And most of all we are vulnerable to every possible harmful energy and influence.

What’s the consequence of knowing ourselves as one single human body? 

United we are strong. 

We are infinitely powerful beings, able to, collectively and individually, dream up and hold this layer of reality in place so we can live in it. This is just one of our infinite possibilities. With our thinking minds, we can’t even start to imagine. If we were united in our knowing of ourselves as one and the same planetary human body we would be each shielded from harmful powers. 

And, we would become an impenetrable shield for the earth.

To evolve into our highest potential we need to allow spirit again into our lives

It has become evident that we need to lift human consciousness, and that we can’t do this individually anymore. We need to do it collectively. Therefore it is a timely matter that these practices here exist, channeled, fresh from a place that is beyond reason.

Now, all we need to do is to remember ourselves in our unity.

How to remember again. 

The Inti Practices, through movement and words, temporarily lift that forgetting that has been draped over our eyes and our beings. 

Until now we experienced forgetting in and through our bodies. Equally, we are able to experience remembering through our bodies as well. What we remember through these practices is that the spirit of humanity is each single human body, exists as each human body, and gathers experiences through each human body all around the planet. 

It does that regardless of anything we may think about that. 

How are these practices different from mindfulness meditation and practices of presence?

Most practices of presence and mindfulness give the body very little space to awaken. 

Mostly the body is “tamed” into a fixed position or confined to minimal movement. In contrast, Body Prayers encourage the body to move, to circulate its energy. Short deliberate supportive words and sentences help the mind stay focused on the movements and the intent behind them. 

This way the usually restless mind is put to work in a constructive way. 

We keep it busy with easy but absorbing tasks. Meanwhile, the body activates its ability to create a new reality for itself. A reality in which it is the main protagonist and not the thinking mind, nor the small self. 

What about boundaries?

Now, you may be worried that you have to give up your individuality, that you are supposed to dissolve and become one with the person, the neighbor you so much dislike, or even with your boss.

During these practices, you never give up your healthy boundaries. Healthy boundaries are crucial for you to be able to take care of yourself. Healthy boundaries tell you whom you can trust and whom you don’t; whom to avoid or whom to engage with. In fact, the clearer your boundaries the better you can allow yourself as your body to know yourself in inextricable, interconnected unity with all human beings.

During the Inti Practices, we prepare the body with grounding practices to strengthen clear healthy boundaries.

What are Body Prayers?

They are channeled movements and statements that activate healing structures of light in and around the body and energy field, and in and around the planetary body and spirit of humanity.

What is channeling?

Channeling is the discipline of attunement to higher guidance in order to request and receive information that is not available under normal circumstances.

Where does this practice come from?

It is material that I have received through guidance, clairvoyance and channeling, as a result of 30+ years of search for a way to know myself as One with all of humanity. I've tested it many times one-on-one and in small groups and the responses encouraged me to continue incubating and developing this practice.

How do we practice?

We’ll do simple and easy-to-follow movements and say words that accompany and amplify the intent of the movements. Collectively we’ll intend expanded perception and attempt to feel with our whole being and possibly sense through one another.

Are the movements designed for a particular body type?

Anybody can practice them. You can adapt these practices to the abilities and limitations of your own body.

Where and how can you participate?

To get access you need to sign up below for updates. Or press the button to see when the next opportunity is scheduled. The practices are mostly online, sometimes in person. You need a zoom account for online access. Zoom accounts are free.

How much does it cost to access these practices?

Currently and until further notice they are free.

Why are these practices free?

  • These practices belong to humanity and by extension, they belong to all life on earth and to the earth itself. 

  • They come from the earth for her own re-balancing, therefore anyone living on this planet should get easy access to these practices.

  • From the get-go, they are not intended as a source of income, but as a source of growing awareness of our existence as One Planetary Body of Humanity. I respect that primary intent. 

Where does the name Inti come from?

Plant spirits pointed out that name at first. In the Quechua language “Inti” is the name of the sun-god and stands for the rising light of awareness. The University of Malaysia is also named “Inti”. Their website presents this name as “It is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning ‘Essence’ .“ Sun-god implies that which is essential for all life, which is light. Basically, both cultures use this name in similar ways.